Thursday, 1 August 2013

Digitising Property Folios

We have had a number of queries recently from people looking for a quicker way to digitise property folios from the land registry in Ireland. It appears that people are requesting PDF or paper hard copies of the folios, importing them into their CAD package, positioning and tracing over them, adding their own info and resubmitting them to the PRA.

This is a very slow process and an unnecessary one too! You can request folio information in digital format and import this straight into the likes of Civil 3D or Map 3D. Request the folios in shape (SHP) file format. There may be an initial search cost but after that the cost is the same per folio as for the paper or PDF format... except you don't have to do all the tedious positioning and digitising in CAD.

To import the shape files use the following workflow (just change files of type to shp):

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